certifications are valid for two years. The certification period begins the date you pass the exam. Your expiration date is listed on your Certification Letter, your official certifying document.
At the end of the two years, there are two different ways to renew your certification: Renewal by Continuing Education (“Renew by CEU”) and Renewal by Examination (“Renew by Exam”).
Want to renew by continuing education but aren’t sure what to take for classes?
Review our Pre-Approved List
This list is just a resource showing all courses that have already been approved for continuing education through Fincert. This is not a comprehensive list of courses you must take to renew by CEU.
If you have taken, or plan to take, a course that is on this list during you valid certification period, you do not need to ask for approval. On your Application to Renew by CEU you will record each pre-approved course you completed with the Course Name, CEU Approval Code and Number of CEUs approved through
If you are taking, or plan to take, a course that is not on this list, you may submit a CEU Approval Request From to determine if it will count as continuing education for your certification renewal.
You are required to complete 14 General and 2 Ethics CEUs every 2 years. Only CEU courses completed during your valid certification period will count for your renewal.
Submit your Application to Renew by CEU
On this application you will record each pre-approved course you completed with the Course Name, CEU Approval Code and Number of CEUs approved through
Please retain all documents serving as proof of completed continuing education for a minimum of two years. You do not need to submit these documents unless they are specifically requested by the Director of Certifications.
The application fee to Renew by CEU is $65. This fee is paid directly to and does not reflect any costs you may incur to complete your chosen continuing education courses.
If you would like to keep your certification active, but aren’t sure which method to choose, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we’d be happy to help you set a plan that works best for you.
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