Exam Support: Having technical issues with the exam software? Please call 1-855-436-2039 Having issues logging into the exam platform or starting your exam? Please text your name and course name to 207-355-5583
This form is used by Applicants or Certificants who wish to clarify their status if they may not be in compliance with the Certification requirements found in Article V(B) of the Certification Policies and Standards and/or Section 2.2 of the Voluntary Pre-Screening Questionnaire.
The Voluntary Pre-Screening Questionnaire assists potential Applicants for Certification (and their employers) in determining whether they meet the Candidate Fitness Standards of Fincert.org. The formal Application will ask similar questions that address the Candidate Fitness Standards. Please remember that an Applicant that does not meet the Candidate Fitness Standards will have their application denied, and all fees are non-refundable.
This questionnaire is for the convenience of the Applicant and/or their employer and should not be sent to Fincert.
Exam Help
Having technical issues with the exam software? Please call 1-855-436-2039 Having issues with your login or the exam itself? Please text your name, course name and callback number to 207-355-5583
This document provides more detailed guidance on the recognition, reporting and management of continuing education units (CEUs.)
CEU Pre-Approved List
This is a list of pre-approved CEU Programs. If a course is on this list you can take it without further permission from Fincert. You are not required to take courses that are on this list. Please use the CEU Approval Request Form if you are seeking credit for a course not listed.
This form must be submitted for CEU Programs not already on the CEU Pre-Approved List. Please see the CEU Procedures document above for more detailed information on requirements for CEU Programs.